Membrana Semipermeable

Semipermeable Membrane
(in process) 2024, video installation

Health risks travel fluidly between borders. At the periphery of both countries’ economies, the US/Mexico border is affected by systematic social and economic disparities that co-exist with institutional racism and structural violence. In Arizona alone, HIV incidence among White individuals has had a 64% decrease from 1988 to 2020, whereas Hispanic individuals have had a 49% increase in new infections during the same period. In response to a pressing intersectional matter, this installation explores the subjectivities of a queer-mestiza/o-PLWH (person living with HIV), and the effect of information technologies in these constructions, merging lens-based video and computational strategies for image generation.
Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship 2024, Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, University of Arizona
RII Production Grant 2023, Research, Innovation & Impact, Technology Research Initiative Fund, Improving Health Initiative, University of Arizona
Media Arts Residency 2023, IEA - Institute for Electronic Arts, School of Art and Design, NYSCC Alfred University, New York
Made in collaboration with Devin Bayly (creative coding). Additional support: Research Technologies Data & Visualization at the University of Arizona.